This analysis focuses on the cleaning, and data visualization of the key insights from the loan data. Performed exploratory data analysis in Python

Skills used : Python, Data Visualization using matplotlib and seaborn, Pandas in Python, SQL

From the analysis link below, open the .pynb notebook

AIRBNB EDA and review using information retrival

This analysis focuses on the cleaning, and data visualization of the key insights from Airbnb data. Performed exploratory data analysis in Python

Skills used : Python, Data Visualization using matplotlib and seaborn, Pandas in Python

From the analysis link below, open the .pynb notebook

MACHINE LEARNING : KNN implementation from scratch

Implemented K-Nearest Neighbors ML algorithm from scratch using python code (no libraries), this helps to understand the basics of a concept rather than just using them on problems

Skills used : Python, Machine Learning

From the Implementation link below, open the KNN.pynb notebook

Flights Delay Prediction Model

Implemented a ML model in python which predicts the flight delays

Skills used : Python, Machine Learning, Statistical Modelling, Data Cleaning and Data Visualization

From the analysis link below, open the FlightDelay.pynb notebook

House Price Prediction Model

Implemented a ML model in python which predicts the house prices in a Washington city

Skills used : Python, Machine Learning, Statistical Modelling, Data Cleaning and Data Visualization

From the analysis link below, open the House_price_prediction.pynb notebook